Adult Training

  • Crusade for Cleanliness session trains individuals to advocate and implement initiatives promoting hygienic environments and fostering awareness about cleanliness.
  • Values & Ethics is a training program focuses on cultivating integrity and moral conduct, emphasizing adherence to ethical standards in personal and professional contexts.
  • Conflict Management equips participants with skills to identify, address, and resolve conflicts constructively, enhancing communication and mutual understanding.
  • Work-Life Balance training session training emphasizes strategies to effectively manage professional responsibilities while maintaining personal well-being and fulfillment.
  • Stress Management program provides techniques to recognize, cope with, and reduce stress levels, enhancing overall mental and emotional health.
  • Time Management training session equips individuals with tools and strategies to optimize productivity and prioritize tasks effectively.
  • The Happy Married Life session offers guidance and support for nurturing healthy and fulfilling relationships within marriage.
  • Happy Parenting provides insights and skills to foster positive parent-child relationships and promote effective parenting practices.
  • Interpersonal Relationships program focuses on enhancing communication and connection in personal and professional relationships.
  • Communication Skills training enhances verbal and nonverbal communication abilities to convey messages effectively and build rapport.
  • Civil Consciousness instills awareness and responsibility towards civic duties and societal issues, promoting active citizenship.
  • Bridging the GAP program addresses gaps between generations, cultures, or perspectives, fostering understanding and cooperation.
  • Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media educates individuals on responsible and safe usage of social media platforms.
  • Innovation Made Practical training encourages innovative thinking and provides tools to implement creative ideas effectively.
  • Multitasking program provides strategies for managing multiple tasks simultaneously while maintaining efficiency and quality.
  • Successful Startup offers guidance and resources for aspiring entrepreneurs to navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business.

School trainings

  • Leadership training focuses on developing the skills and qualities necessary to inspire and guide others effectively.
  • Goal Setting program provides techniques and strategies for establishing clear objectives and creating actionable plans to achieve them.
  • Communication training enhances both verbal and nonverbal communication skills to convey messages clearly and foster understanding.
  • Career Orientation offers guidance and resources to help individuals explore career options and make informed decisions about their professional paths.
  • Emotion Management equips participants with tools to recognize, understand, and regulate emotions effectively for improved well-being and interpersonal relationships.
  • Universal Values training emphasizes the importance of principles such as respect, integrity, and empathy in guiding ethical behavior and decision-making.
  • Creativity program encourages innovative thinking and provides techniques to unleash and nurture creative potential.
  • Dos & Don'ts of Social Media educates individuals on responsible and safe practices for using social media platforms.
  • Cybersecurity training raises awareness about online threats and provides strategies to protect personal information and digital assets.
  • Gadget Screen Time program addresses the impact of excessive screen time on mental and physical health, offering strategies for managing technology usage effectively.
  • Basic Road Behavior/Traffic Sense instills knowledge and skills necessary for safe and responsible behavior on roads and in traffic situations.
  • Manners & Etiquettes training focuses on cultivating polite and considerate behavior, enhancing interpersonal interactions and social relationships.

College trainings

  • Decision Making training provides techniques and frameworks to facilitate effective and informed decision-making processes.
  • Interview Skills program offers strategies and practice sessions to enhance performance during job interviews.
  • Building Relationships focuses on fostering and maintaining positive connections with others in personal and professional settings.
  • Personal Grooming provides guidance on presenting oneself professionally through grooming and appearance.
  • Time & Priority Management equips individuals with skills to efficiently allocate time and prioritize tasks to achieve goals.
  • Drug Abuse and Addiction educates participants on the risks and consequences of substance abuse and provides support for prevention and recovery.
  • Gadget Screen Time training addresses the impact of excessive screen time on health and productivity, promoting balanced technology usage.
  • Basic Road Behavior/Traffic Sense instills knowledge and skills for safe and responsible behavior on roads and in traffic situations.
  • Stress Management offers techniques and coping strategies to mitigate and manage stress in daily life.
  • Cybersecurity training raises awareness about online threats and provides strategies to protect personal information and digital assets from cyber attacks.